
8 Tips for Success Using Your Client Collaboration Hub 

 January 24, 2023

By  Joshua Jordan

I’m excited to see how many of our clients have already logged in and started using the Client Collaboration Hub to get started on their 2022 tax returns!

Now that we’ve had a couple weeks to see how everyone is using this new software, I wanted to pass on some knowledge and tips discovered by our early adopters so you can have a good experience too.

Tip 1: This Client Collaboration Hub is completely separate from, and is a replacement for, the Onvio Client Center portal system we used last year. 

You need to register for the new system and set up new login credentials if you haven’t already. 

Lindsay can resend that registration email if you need her to.

Tip 2: Registering for Client Collaboration will enable you to e-sign your 2022 tax returns and your engagement letter. So you’ll save the time it takes to print/sign/scan/upload those documents.

Tip 3: If you’re married, both you and your spouse need to register for Client Collaboration using a unique email address, even if only one spouse will handle all the tax stuff. 

If you don’t both register for the new software, we can still prepare your returns, but you’ll both need to print/sign/scan/upload all your signature documents.

Tip 4: Client Collaboration works best in a desktop environment. 

Since there’s no mobile app (yet), plan on setting aside some quality time with your “real” computer to work on your taxes, instead of trying to use your cell phone. 

Tip 5: Don’t get hung up on the connections feature, where you give the Hub permission to import tax forms from your various accounts for you.

If you want to try it out and can successfully link your payroll or brokerage account on the first try, great! If not, just plan on uploading your tax documents and checking them off your Document Request List. 

Tip 6: Uploading PDFs of your tax documents gives you the best chance of our team being able to read the information and numbers accurately (which is a big deal for us!).

JPEGs, PNGs, and other image files often end up being transmitted at such a low resolution that they aren’t legible.

We recommend using a scanner to create those PDFs, or a free smartphone app like Genius Scan or Tiny Scanner if you only have a few documents to upload.

Tip 7: If you have tax documents that aren’t on your Document Request List, just upload them as “Uncategorized.”

You don’t have to let us know, ask permission, or ask us to update your Document Request List.

Tip 8: Bookmark the Client Collaboration Hub login page so you can find it easily.

You can also find that link by visiting joshuajordancpa.com and clicking Client Login on the menu.

Hopefully, this helps you get off to a great start. If you get stuck anywhere along the way, we’re here to help.

Just email [email protected] or call us at (541) 639-3598 and let us know what you need.

Joshua Jordan

Hey! I'm Joshua and I'm on a mission to help 100 entrepreneurs save at least 10k on their taxes every year.

I am not the author of any bestselling books (yet), and it would be silly to follow me on social media because I'M A TAX ACCOUNTANT, not a professionally-good-looking entertainer/influencer.

Your Signature

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