
Coming Soon: Cycling Kit for Joshua A. Jordan, CPA 

 May 16, 2014

By  Joshua Jordan

Need Some New Cycling Gear for Summer?

Order Your Very Own JAJ CPA Jersey and/or Shorts and Save vs Buying Retail.

Now that tax season is over, I’ve finally been able to get back out on my bike. One of the first things I noticed (other than that taking 5 months off the bike made me SLOOOOOOOWWWW) was that a lot of my bike shorts and jerseys are starting to fray, deteriorate, and even get a little sheer. I don’t have any data to back this next statement up, but apparently, bike shorts don’t last forever and it may be a good idea to replace them after 5-7 years of use.

For years, I’ve been talking about making my own custom bike jerseys & shorts, and now it’s finally happening. I’m in the process of getting the final proofs ready with the manufacturer. Once those are ready I’ll be stocking up on new bib shorts & jerseys (hopefully before my current shorts start exhibiting Lululemon-esque properties).

Why am I telling you this? Am I just #humblebragg-ing about the cool new gear I’ll be sporting? No. Well, not entirely.

When I ran the numbers (because, hey, I am an accountant) I realized that the per-item cost for the shorts and jerseys was lower than what I saw in stores. Then I thought, maybe, just maybe, there are other people that might need (or want) some new kit for the summer ahead.

If that sounds like you, I’d like to invite you to piggy-back on my custom order. You can get regular short-sleeved jerseys for just $53 each and bib shorts for only $69 a pair.

The last team I raced for, jerseys and shorts were over $100. Each (that’s almost twice as much). So if you like the design and want to save some money get your order in today!

Who is the manufacturer?

Champion System is the manufacturer. You can currently see their jerseys on the leaders of the Amgen Tour of California.

Who can be part of this order?

This offer is open to everyone in the continental United States. This order isn’t exclusive to a team or club. Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested.

How do I know what size to order?

I’ve ordered some sizing samples, but once they come in, I’ll only get to keep them a couple days. Contact me if you want to meet up for a fitting session. Otherwise, you can use the sizing charts from the manufacturer.

Is there a minimum order?

Not for you. I’ll order enough gear to cover the minimums. If you just want one item, that’s fine.

Can I order Long-sleeve Jerseys, Jackets, Skin-Suits or Wind Vests Too?

Yes. Let me know what’s on your wish list and I’ll get you the pricing.

How do I get my order in?

Sorry. You missed out on this one.

How do I pay for my order?

I’ll take cash, checks, and credit cards.

When is my order due?

Orders and payment are due by Saturday, May 24. I don’t know when the next order will be. If you miss the deadline, I’ll put you on the waiting list for next time.

When will I get my new jerseys and shorts?

Approximately 6-8 weeks after the order is placed.


Joshua Jordan

Hey! I'm Joshua and I'm on a mission to help 100 entrepreneurs save at least 10k on their taxes every year.

I am not the author of any bestselling books (yet), and it would be silly to follow me on social media because I'M A TAX ACCOUNTANT, not a professionally-good-looking entertainer/influencer.

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