
We’re Changing Our Approach to Tax Returns, and It Starts Now 

 September 1, 2021

By  Joshua Jordan

Way back in 2013, I moved my family to Bend and started Joshua A Jordan CPA so I could help small business owners make good decisions to make life better for themselves, their families, and their communities. 

Over the last 8 years we’ve been focused on making sure that our clients can get an accurate tax return, filed on time, so they can avoid unnecessary attention (in the form of audits, penalties, and interest) from the IRS. 

I’m proud of the work that we’ve accomplished, but I’m not satisfied. I want us to do more than just a tax return, much more often. I want to be able to offer the advice, coaching, and accountability that our clients need to make meaningful progress towards the business and financial goals that are most important to them.

Instead of being known for doing a great job preparing tax returns, I want my business to be known for offering great advice and preparing the tax returns that accurately report the implementation of that advice.

So, starting with the 2021 tax year, we’re changing our approach to tax returns so that we can: 

  • Reduce the turnaround time it takes to prepare your tax returns
  • Help you understand the key factors that led to you getting a refund or owing tax for the year
  • Figure out what is worth focusing on, and what you can and should ignore
  • Put you in the position of being an unattractive target for IRS audits
  • Keep you on-track with estimated tax payments so you don’t have to pay interest to the IRS (unless you want to)

These are all neat results, and if that’s all we accomplish, it would lead to better outcomes for a lot of our clients that would justify making the changes we’re going to make. 

Ultimately though, our goal with these changes is to lay the groundwork that allows us to help you identify and implement the ideas that really…

Move the Needle…

…in a significant way for you. Weather that means helping you figure out how to get more income out of your business or rental property, arranging a substantial discount on college tuition for your kids, donating more of your money to your favorite charities (in ways that send less to the IRS), getting the systems in place so you can consistently pay this year’s taxes with this year’s income, or something else entirely. 

One of the biggest changes we’re making that will allow us to give more focus to “needle moving” with you is switching our tax preparation business model from a project-based model to a subscription based model. 

I talked a lot about this during our Tax Ready meetings earlier this year, but if you opted for a Tax Drop instead, or just tuned me out, or forgot, here’s what’s happening in a nutshell:

I’ll put together the package of services (tax returns, meetings, check-ins, etc.) that I think make sense based on what I know about your situation. You’ll get a proposal that details what’s included, and what your price for those services will be, in the form of a monthly payment. 

The first batch of those proposals is sooooo close to being sent out, and I know there’s a ton of information bouncing around in my head that didn’t make it into this announcement, so you might have a question or two. There’s definitely more info to come, so keep an eye on your inbox.



Joshua Jordan

Hey! I'm Joshua and I'm on a mission to help 100 entrepreneurs save at least 10k on their taxes every year.

I am not the author of any bestselling books (yet), and it would be silly to follow me on social media because I'M A TAX ACCOUNTANT, not a professionally-good-looking entertainer/influencer.

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